Houseplants can help you sleep better by helping to create peaceful, quiet and relaxing spaces. They provide a Humidity Boost to the surrounding air, and although they don't do a massive amount of it, they can clean the air and reduce dust.
There is a common myth that plants in the bedroom are bad news. We thoroughly debunk this with some scientific experiments and evidence in this article.
You can use essential oil to help you sleep better, but have you thought about adding some popular houseplants into your sleep spaces instead? This is our guide for the 33 best indoor plants for bedrooms.
We're often asked what are the best plants for bedroom air quality or which are good plants for bedroom oxygen at night. Others have to deal with low light or only want low maintenance houseplants in their sleeping spaces.
That's a lot to take into account. With this in mind, we've created a list of 33 best plants for your bedroom to help you out and give you some inspiration, as picked by the Ourhouseplants Team.
Multiple factors were looked at when compiling our list, but here are the main things we were thinking of as it was all put together.
Now we've explained this, let's look at the best ones to add some greeny and hopefully help improve your sleep spaces.
Hi, I'm Tom!
If you're like me and enjoy the challenge of growing houseplants and getting them to thrive, then Ourhouseplants can help. This website shares my knowledge and years of growing plants and provides (hopefully) helpful advice on properly caring for your indoor plant friends.
Almost all Cacti release oxygen at night using the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), which means they can make excellent plants for a sunny bedroom. However, you need to keep them away from any areas you might walk past in the middle of the night. Stumbling along while you go to the toilet could be very unpleasant!
They're a little fussy because they're going to need some direct sunlight and their spines can be a problem. This is the reason they're not featured higher up our list.
As long as you can provide a south facing window, various Cacti can be grown in these spaces.
There aren't many climbers and trailing plants on this list, but English Ivy is one to consider in place of the more popular devil’s ivy (Epipremnum aureum). Ivy is incredibly versatile and you can have it in a compact pot on a bedside table or leave it to hang down from a bookshelf or stand.
This one is also ranked number 6 in NASA's and Dr Wolverton's study into air Purifying plants. In return, all it needs from you is a medium temperature in a position away from direct sunlight.
Hedera Helix - Common Ivy will easily fit into most bedrooms.
Another CAM plant that releases oxygen while you sleep. With multiple stems holding small heart shaped leaves, it's beautiful and practical.
This is another trailing plant that looks best when hanging from a vertical edge. It's also very easy and low maintenance, providing you can give it some water every week or so, you can mostly leave it alone to do its thing.
Ceropegia Woodii - String of Hearts with their small dainty heart-shaped leaves.
A very unusual houseplant and potentially the smallest houseplant we've ever written about. It's tiny and perfect when space is a premium but you want some "life" in your room.
However, it does need some sunlight, so low-light bedrooms aren't suitable. But if you have a small space to fill on a table or windowsill that's bathed in the sun for at least a few hours a day, this could be a contender.
Lithops - Living Stones are very simple to keep. Provide some water every now and again along with lots of bright light.
Weeping Fig's come in many sizes but eventually, they can all grow quite large. A medium sized plant will look beautiful standing directly on the floor in the corner of the room out of the say.
The tranquil and graceful appearance can suit a relaxed and calm bedroom, all the while enhancing the indoor air quality.
Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig can deal with small levels of harmful toxins in the air.
Even with perfect care, Urn Plants tend not to be long-lived plants. But they can stand out as unusual and quite impressive houseplants during their life. Being another CAM plant, you can expect Oxygen to be released at night and carbon dioxide absorbed by day.
Aechmea Fasciata - Urn Plant in flower.
Quick growing and striking, in the right circumstances they can really enhance the look of your home decor.
The fit will depend on the color palette in your bedroom, but fortunately, Coleus plants come in a vast array of colors and patterns, so if you want this plant, there should hopefully be a variety that will suit you.
Coleus plants can grow very fast over just one growing season.
It's a more "modern" houseplant, but it's surprisingly forgiving and reasonably easy to grow. You can also put it in some fairly low-light conditions without too much fuss. Another bonus here is that they look fabulous when mounted to walls, so it could be ideal if room space is at a premium.
Platycerium bifurcatum - Staghorn Fern may seem an unusual choice but they don't mind bedrooms at all.
Most Aloe plants are CAM plants, and they also tend to grow very well indoors. Most have small footprints and take up only a little space, but their straight lines can add strong visual appeal and value to a bright spot.
If given some sunlight, several varieties will throw out long stems several times a year that bear little decorate flowers.
Aloe Vera plant next to a headboard.
This might be a better plant for a more oversized bedroom as the leaves can hurt if you brush past them, so they will need some space or a hidden corner. They're also demanding with light requirements and require several hours of direct sunshine.
They're pretty cheap to buy and very easygoing if you can meet the basic care requirements. For your efforts, you will be rewarded with a very architectural and statement houseplant for your space.
Yucca plants can spread out, so they will probably be best on the floor.
Boston Ferns are fantastic for bedrooms. Calming and tranquil looking, they go hand in hand with what an ideal bedroom should be. They enjoy a slightly cooler space, and some shade is no problem for these plants.
The Boston can be a bit high maintenance as it regularly sheds leaves, but its positive impact in a room earns it a place on our list.
Nephrolepis exaltata - Boston Fern on a window ledge.
Like the Urn Plant above, this is another relatively short lived easy plant. But it's great value as the flowering bract will last for six months or more, and then the leaves underneath have an interesting enough look that you'll be happy to keep it around for the next year or so.
Tillandsia cyanea / Tillandsia lindenii looks like a tropical plant.
Air Plants have a major draw as bedroom plants because they don't need to be grown in soil, so their display potential is almost endless. You can have them clustered in a group or stacked up in unusual displays. An ideal choice if you want something a bit different.
Very easy to maintain and look fab with only simple care needs. They're also CAM plants.
Tillandsia is truly a low-maintenance plant.
We don't have many Philodendron species care guides on our website. In real life, I've brought loads, but they just hate the conditions in my home. However, Philodendron Scandens is doing well, and I think I've worked it out. Guess where mine is growing currently? Yup, the bedroom.
They trail easily and the heart-shaped leaves give visual interest. They also seem pretty content to exist in low light conditions.
Philodendron Scandens - Heartleaf philodendron. This one is small, but in a few years, it will be huge.
There aren't many flowering plants on our list as the pollen can irritate, especially while people are sleeping. However, most Kalanchoe species are hybrids and produce very little or no pollen, making them welcome guests.
When it's not blooming, this is a relatively dull looking houseplant. But fortunately, the blooms will continuously be produced for much of the year. When all the current flowers fade, the plant has a little rest, and then it grows some more a few months later.
Kalanchoe is a good pick for a spot that gets indirect light.
These are long lived houseplants that just grow and grow. Over many years they'll be pushing into your ceiling, so you will need an empty corner for it to live in. But if you have a fairly large corner space to fill, then a Corn Plant could be the plant for this space. This makes a good substitute for the Rubber Plant.
Dracaena Fragrans - Corn Plants can have all green leaves or yellow stripes to add visual interest.
Ever popular, the Peace Lily has incredible versatility. It also grows perfectly well in the majority of bedrooms. It dislikes intense sunlight, but any other light level is fair game. If you provide enough of it, you can expect beautiful white flowers several times a year.
It will grow on a shelf, bedside table, and a larger plant would look just as beautiful on the floor. In return, it cleans the air and is pretty effective (as far as plants go) at increasing the air humidity in the room.
Spathiphyllum - Although this one is growing in a bathroom (Peace Lilies make great plants there too), they're very happy in bedrooms too.
Although the Christmas Cactus might not be as modern or attractive as some of the houseplants you can get today, you can have masses of stunning flowers for several months a year (if treated right).
It's a display that will brighten up any bedroom and on top of that they do pretty well in some semi shady spots.
Schlumbergera Buckleyi - Crab Cactus in bloom.
Like its Cousin, the Easter Cactus makes a super flowering bedroom plant, except this one produces its blooms in March and April.
As well as being a CAM plant, another bonus is that its small footprint means it will be easy to slot it in somewhere.
Schlumbergera Gaertneri - Easter Cactus with many buds about to open.
This is a more modern and trendy looking fern, with its sea blue and green leaves, it has an eye-catching allure. It grows well in most spots, including bedrooms and will help create a tranquil and calming space.
If you need a hand looking after yours, have a look at our full care guide.
Phlebodium aureum - Blue Star Ferns are air-purifying plants.
Gerbera Daisies are almost made to grow in bedrooms. They need cool to average temperatures to keep them in bloom and encourage repeat flowering. If you don't keep your bedroom hot and want something with some color this could be the plant.
With the flowers coming in numerous colorings, you can easily pick the plant that best fits your design.
Gerbera Jamesonii (Transvaal Daisy) will keep producing flowers heads if you can provide bright indirect sunlight.
Got a partially sunny windowsill to fill? No problem for the Jade plant. They love heat and they love light. In Asia, they're considered lucky plants that increase financial energies for their owners.
Maybe they'll help you obtain wealth beyond your dreams, or perhaps help you dream about winning the lottery. Either way, they'll be busy cleaning the air and releasing Oxygen into the room while you sleep.
Crassula ovata (Jade Plant) normally do great indoors if you don't provide too much water.
Mature plants will have leaves that are like long luscious locks. Ribbons with slight crimps will fall and create a highly elegant and interesting look houseplant. They grow perfectly well in most locations in homes, including bedrooms.
Beaucarnea Recurvata does well in full sun or indirect light.
This fern has very simple fronds, but they're positioned around a central "nest" that can be compared to a fairground carousel. I love this plant. It's grown well for years in a shady spot by my mirrored cupboard and looks fantastic next to the black frame and white walls.
Asplenium nidus will do fine in low light areas, but they'll still need some natural light.
Potentially the most well recognised and popular Orchid right now. They do well in most settings found in our homes and will produce unique and gorgeous flowers that last for months, especially in a cooler bedroom.
The choice of color means you will easily find a plant that fits into your interior decoration scheme. It's also a CAM plant and a scientifically proven air cleaning plant according to a NASA study.
Phalaenopsis - Moth Orchid flowers are very familar to most people.
Many ferns look great a bit higher up so you can see them. But my Kangaroo Fern lives on the floor and I love it down there. The fronds push out in all directions and it grows steadily with minimal care.
One of the easiest houseplants for sure and perfect for bedrooms when you want to soften the hard lines from bed frames and square tables.
Microsorum diversifolium makes a great houseplant.
An ideal hanging plant to trail down from somewhere higher up. It can deal with less light and will produce rapidly spreading stems with highly attractive markings. There are lots to pick from, but they all should grow well.
Tradescantia are colorful and interesting. They could also be good plants for better sleep.
Not quite a true cactus and not quite the familiar succulents we constantly see. Haworthia are lovely little plants that take up a small space but make a huge impression. Combine with unusual pots or containers to really help these cute plants stand out.
Haworthia is one of the best bedroom plants for beginners - It's so forgiving!
Spider Plants are straightforward to grow houseplants. All they need is a bit of light, fairly regular watering and some feed every few months, and they'll do any plant parent proud.
Suiting a table or nightstand, but if you want them to take up some vertical space, they can also be hung from a wall in a hanging basket. They'll produce "Spider Babies" in time, which will dangle down for months on end. Leave them be, or pick them off to propagate more plants.
Chlorophytum comosum is a popular choice for most plant owners and when they look like this, it's easy to understand why.
A Chinese Evergreen is both beautiful and easy going. It only needs basic maintenance (removing the odd yellow leaf) to help it look it's best.
Aglaonemas are perfect plants if you have a spot that doesn't receive direct sunlight. They will easily put up with some low-light locations and still keep hold of the unusual markings.
Aglaonema - Chinese Evergreen is one of the best bedroom plants for low light.
This one has made it into the top 3 because it's another hugely versatile plant. It can be grown in a standard pot. It can be trained to trail down from a shelf or grow up a moss pole for a tall and bushy specimen.
The markings can be highly attractive, and the lobbed leaf shape is interesting enough to hold its own against many other houseplants. If you want one in your bedroom, it's going to fit in. No matter your style or where you want to position it just put it somewhere with indirect light for the best results.
A Syngonium like this could help you get some quality sleep.
Modern, very easy going, but the ZZ still commands attention and stands out as a bold choice for any spot in your home. I've had three of these plants over the years, and none have died. They love and thrive in our homes and suit bedrooms perfectly.
If you have a lie-in and occasionally keep the curtains closed until midday, they'll take it in their stride. Same if you forget to water it for several months! It's also a CAM plant, for those taking note.
Zamioculcas Zamiifolia or the ZZ Plant can be small like this one, or larger to create a focal point.
We've made it to the number one plant on our list of 33 best bedroom plants. Perhaps it was predictable, but the Snake Plant with it's upright, bold and shiny leaves, it easily takes the first spot.
Able to deal with low light but also bright light and even direct sun. It can cope with very sporadic watering and almost all types of humidity. Your choice of interior design doesn't matter either as there are so many different varieties you can buy that one is bound to work in your space.
Huge variety on offer? Check. Easy care? Check. Versatile? Check. CAM plant? Check.
Sansevieria trifasciata (Dracaena trifasciata) just ticks all the boxes and is our top-rated houseplant for the bedroom.
Do you have any from this list in your bedrooms already? If so, how many? Maybe you swear by a plant we've not listed. Let us know in the comments below.